研究了电纺丝聚乙烯吡咯烷酮螺旋纤维的形成条件,在9 kV的电压下,由于溶液质量分数的增加(12%~24%),纤维形态呈现出直线→螺旋→折叠→无序的变化趋势;在质量分数为20%时,随着纺丝电压的增加,纤维形态呈现出折叠→螺旋→无序的变化趋势,同时对螺旋纤维的形成机理进行了讨论,在纺丝过程中纤维束所带静电荷之间的库仑斥力是形成螺旋纤维的直接动力.
The formation conditions of electrospun poly (vinyl pyrrolidone) helical fibers were studied. Under the voltage of 9 kV, the morphology of the fibers showed the trend of linear → spiral → folding → disorder due to the increase of solution mass fraction (12% ~ 24%) At the mass fraction of 20%, the fiber morphology showed a tendency of folding → spiral → disorder with the increase of spinning voltage. At the same time, the formation mechanism of the spiral fiber was discussed. During the spinning process, Coulomb repulsion between electrostatic charges is a direct motive force for the formation of helical fibers.