”Yao Dumei Poetic Vision“ is an outstanding work of Ren Xiong who is the representative of early Shanghai School’s painting. Ren Xiong (1832-1857) word Wei long, again sad, Zhejiang Xiaoshan people. Because of the premature death, so few works have been handed down so far, but it is in these less than 100 pieces of work, involving a variety of genres, flowers and birds, landscapes, can be described as mercy. His father Ren Chun, Ren Zu Ren Ren good painting. Ren Xiong bear the influence of the family, since childhood, happy painting, but not satisfied with the copy painting, juvenile that show extraordinary artistic creativity. In his early years, practicing Chen Hongshou, he went to Hangzhou to copy and imitate Luohang’s engraving, ”