Study of the electrochemical oxidation mechanism of formaldehyde on gold electrode in alkaline solut

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoliang1978
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The oxidation of formaldehyde in alkaline solution was studied by in situ rapid-scan time-resolved IR spectroelectrochemistry(RS-TR-FTIRS) method.In the potential range between -0.7 V and 0.2 V,the gem-diol anions were oxidized(according to the 2765 cm~(-1) of-ν_(H-O) and 1034 cm~(-1) ofν_(co) downward IR bands) and the formate ions appeared(according to the 1588,1357 cm~(-1) of the asymmetric and symmetricν_(oco) and 1380 cm~(-1) ofδ_(C-H) upward IR bands) in aqueous solution.It was also confirmed that gem-diol anion was oxidized(according to the 2026,1034 cm~(-1) downward IR bands) to formate ions (according to the 1595,1357,1380 cm~(-1) upward IR bands) and water(according to the 3427 cm~(-1) ofν_(H- O) upward IR band) in heavy water solution.The results illustrated that formaldehyde formed gem-diol anion in alkaline solution and was absorbed on the electrode surface;then gem-diol anion was oxidized to formate ions and water. The oxidation of formaldehyde in alkaline solution was studied by in situ rapid-scan time-resolved IR spectroelectrochemistry (RS-TR-FTIRS) method. In the potential range between -0.7 V and 0.2 V, the gem-diol anions were oxidized to the 2765 cm -1 of -ν HO and 1034 cm -1 of co downward IR bands and the formate ions were (according to the 1588, 1357 cm -1 of the asymmetric and symmetric v oco and 1380 cm -1 of δ CH upward IR bands in aqueous solution. It was also confirmed that gem-diol anion was oxidized (according to the 2026, 1034 cm -1 ) downward IR bands) to formate ions (according to the 1595, 1357, 1380 cm -1 upward IR bands) and water (according to 3427 cm -1) in heavy water solution. The results illustrated that formaldehyde formed gem-diol anion in alkaline solution and was absorbed on the electrode surface; then gem-diol anion was oxidized to formate ions and water.
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