本文分析了影响软磁盘包络线平整程度的诸因素。得出以下结论: 1.分散性好的盘片,则包络线平整;分散性对包络线平整程的影响较光洁度、涂层厚度均匀性更显著。 2.在分散性能一定时,光洁度高的盘片,包络线平整。 3.涂层厚度不均匀性对包络线平整程度的影响不明显。本文还初步分析讨论了分散性能对包络线的影响较显著和涂层厚度不均匀性对包络线平整程度的影响不明显的原因;以及磁层中存在的缺陷对包络线平整程度的影响和缺陷的来源等。
This article analyzes the factors that affect the flatness of the floppy disk envelope. The following conclusions are drawn: 1. The disk with good dispersion has a flat envelope; the dispersion has more influence on the flattening of the envelope than the finish and the uniformity of coating thickness. 2. In the decentralized performance of a certain time, high-quality disk, the envelope is flat. 3. Coating thickness unevenness has no obvious effect on the flatness of the envelope. In this paper, we also analyze and discuss the reason why dispersion has a more significant influence on the envelope and the effect of inhomogeneity of coating thickness on the flatness of the envelope is not obvious. The source of impact and defects and so on.