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随着水文缆道系统数字测量技术的发展,缆道使用越来越多,但现有的缆道中,很多缆道都不能正常使用,造成的原因很多,根据长期的实践,我认为主要是由三个方面的原因造成的: 1.对水下信号源的输出电压幅度和波形V信没有统一标准,这就造成有的信号源输出是方波,有的是正弦波,也有的是不规则的波形。如果是方波和正弦波只要幅度足够,还是可以正常工作的;如果是不规则的波形,则不但不能正常工作,还要严重地干扰岸上的测量仪器,使之错误动作,造成整个系统不能正常工作,所以对水下信号源要有严格的要求。主要的要求是:(1)输出一定要是方波或正弦波,决不能是其它不规则的波形。(2)根据不同缆道输出电压的幅度应该 With the development of digital measurement techniques for hydrological cableway systems, more and more cableways are used, but many existing cableways are not functioning properly for many reasons. According to long-term practice, I think it is mainly caused by Three reasons: 1. The underwater signal source output voltage amplitude and waveform V letter there is no uniform standard, which resulted in some signal source output is a square wave, some are sine wave, and some irregular wave. If it is square wave and sine wave as long as the amplitude is sufficient, or can work properly; if it is irregular waveform, then not only can not work properly, but also seriously interfere with the shore of the measuring instruments, so that the wrong action, resulting in the system can not be normal Work, so have strict requirements on underwater signal source. The main requirements are: (1) the output must be a square wave or sine wave, must not be other irregular waveforms. (2) Depending on the width of the different cable output voltage should be
TXZ—1凸轮自动测量仪可用于自动测量大斜率、大升程的高精度凸轮,具有精度高、稳定性好和测量效率高等特点,在生产使用中能得到满意的效果。 TXZ-1 cam automatic measurin
该联机系统在于用NEC PC一880l 8位微机与日本富士通公司提供的FACOM M-340S中型机进行联机通信,充分共享其丰富的软、硬件资源,达到快速、准确的传送,以实现远程终端通信和
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一、前言 QJ型倾斜角传感器是电测一次仪表。它与静、动态电阻应变仪、数字电压表、毫伏表、电位差计等二次仪表仪器配套使用,可以测量静态或动态倾斜角度值。也可以连接笔
上海石化总厂化工一厂在乙烯装置大检修中用 YS-80系列仪表更新改造了已在现场使用了14年的Ⅰ系列仪表。用可编程序调节器(SLPC)、指示调节器(SLCD)取代了原来的 ICE 调节器
由哈尔滨工业大学精密仪器教研室研制的《长度计量室用多功能微型机数据采集与处理系统》于1987年9月26日通过部级鉴定。该系统由 TP805微计算机系统(包括12时 CRT,80行打印
This paper deals with how speech situations or rather speech implicatures affect TEFL.As far as the writ- er is concerned,they have much influence on many aspec