6月10日,笔者来到不久前曾因乱收费而堵档罢航12天的盐河南套闸采访,只见南来北往的船民在管理人员的指导下,正井然有序地过闸。当笔者问一位前日罢航的船民,他说,“现在按章收费了,真感谢陈副省长啊!” 盐河南套闸(隶属江苏淮阴市盐东控制工程处)建在苏南通往亚欧大陆桥东桥头堡连云港的唯一内河干线航道上。过往船只按规定应
On June 10, I came to an interview with Salt Lake South Gate, which was not suspended for a fee of just over 12 days and just saw the boat people going south and going north and going under the guidance of the management staff. . When I asked a boatman to strike the day before yesterday, he said, “Now charged according to the chapter, really thank Chen Deputy Governor ah!” Salt River South Gate (under the control of the Salt Control Engineering Department, Huaiyin City, Jiangsu Province) built in the Nantong The only inland waterway to Lianyungang, the bridgehead of the Eurasian land bridge. Past ships should be required