According to the water and sediment conditions, characteristics and stability conditions of the wandering channel, this paper discusses the ebb and flow characteristics of the wandering channel and the channel width of the wandering channel. According to the section of the river channel that has been rehabilitated from Gaocun to Taochengpu and Dongbaitou village to the village of Gaogem, the sediment transport capacity, the characteristics of river detention and the characteristics of beach scour and silting are analyzed. After the river courses are rectified, Possible changes of water and sediment conditions in narrow reach and the impact of upstream wide river regulation. The result shows that the formation of the Zhongshui River channel is the key to water control. Further rectification of wide river courses may increase the capacity of medium-sized floods for sediment transport, but will not change the status of small water silt banks. If the conditions of water and sediment are not changed, the secondary hanging river will develop. However, Sediment transport in the water is “more and more”, so it will not cause immediate harm.