患者女,69岁,因腹胀20 d入院。患者20 d前无明显诱因出现腹胀,进食后加重,自觉腹围逐渐增大,伴间歇性呼吸困难、纳差、乏力,小便量少,每天排尿约300 ml~500 ml,无腹痛、腹泻,无恶心、呕吐,无呕血、黑便,无发热、盗汗。当地医院腹部B超报告:腹水,肝脾未见异常,盆腔未见肿块。腹水穿刺检查提示腹水为渗出液,穿刺后穿刺点周围腹壁出现硬
Female patient, 69 years old, admitted to hospital due to bloating for 20 days. No obvious predisposing factors appeared in patients with abdominal distension 20 days, increased after eating consciously abdominal circumference gradually increased, with intermittent breathing difficulties, anorexia, fatigue, less urine, urination every day about 300 ml ~ 500 ml, no abdominal pain, diarrhea, No nausea, vomiting, no hematemesis, melena, no fever, night sweats. Abdominal B-local hospital reports: ascites, liver and spleen no abnormalities, no pelvic mass. Ascites puncture check ascites as exudate puncture after puncture point around the abdominal wall hard