风雨沧桑半世纪 ,薪火相传50载。在丹桂飘香的金秋季节 ,广州美术学院迎来了建校50周年。为“弘扬传统、展示成就、继往开来、再创辉煌” ,广州美术学院于2003年11月19日隆重举行校庆庆典活动。广州美术学院前身为中南美术专科学校 ,原址湖北武昌。1958年迁至广州 ,同年8月更名
Half a century of vicissitudes of life, torpedo 50 years. In the autumn season of Osmanthus fragrance, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts ushered in the 50th anniversary of the founding of the school. In order to “carry forward the tradition, demonstrate the achievements, the future, and create greater glories”, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts held a grand celebration celebration on November 19, 2003. Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts formerly known as Central South Art College, site in Wuchang, Hubei. In 1958 moved to Guangzhou, the same year in August renamed