想知道地道的美语吗?想学会最新、最酷的口语吗?Please join us。G od knows。天晓得!例句:G od know s where he w ent。天晓得他去哪儿啦!It’ll cost G od knows how m uch.天晓得要花多少钱。Thank G od。谢天谢地!例句:Thank God you’re safe。谢天谢地你平安无事!H ow c
Do you want to know authentic American language? Want to learn the latest and coolest spoken language? Please join us. G od knows. God knows! G od know s where he w ent. God knows where he is! It’ll cost G od knows how m uch. God knows how much money to spend. Thank G od. Thank God! Example:Thank God you’re safe. Thank you, thank you very much! H ow c