Part of persistent epilepsy (EPC), usually considered part of a motor movement of the epileptic state. For the first time, Koshewnikoff (1895) was seen in a case of Soviet sunspot encephalitis in the Soviet Union, which was later reported in various encephalitis, abscesses, granulomas, cerebral infarctions, hemorrhages, subdural hematomas, multiple sclerosis and metabolic encephalopathy . This article reports a 10-year-old, female, left and half body clonic twitch and left paresis, who had pertussis 20 days before admission. Check the left tendon reflex disappeared, Babinski sign (+); hematocrit, ESR, and white blood cell count were normal, lumbar puncture CSF clear, pressure 96 mm water column, protein 40 mg / 100 ml, mononuclear 3 / mm ~ 3, urine (a), normal skull X-ray. EEG only right hemisphere is not normal slow wave,