由我省资深导演魏汝明、仇强共同编、导的10集电视剧《海城疑案》近日已告完成,并在省城合肥举行了看片座谈会,受到与会专家的一致好评。 此剧系根据尹曙生(原省公安厅副厅长)同志的侦探小说《教授之死》改编的。全片采用系列剧风格、一案一集,共有《教授之死》、《应当惩罚谁》、《尘缘未断》、《姐妹易嫁》、《我该埋怨谁》、《死不瞑目》、《诬陷》、《爱的代价》、《完璧归赵》等九个案件,由于剧性需要,《完璧归赵》用了两集篇幅。这是我省第一部系列电视剧作品。
By the provincial director Wei Ruming, Qiang Qiang co-editor, director of the 10 episodes of the TV series “Haicheng suspect case” has been completed recently, and in the provincial capital Hefei held a viewing session, by participating experts alike. The play is based on Yin Shusheng (former deputy director of the Public Security Department) Comrade detective novel “professor’s death” adaptation. The film uses a series of drama style, a collection of cases, a total of “professor’s death”, “who should be punished”, “fate is not broken,” “sister easy to marry,” “I blame,” “dead head”, “framed ”,“ The price of love ”,“ complete Bi Zhao ”and other nine cases, due to the dramatic needs,“ complete Bi Zhao ”spent two episodes of space. This is our first series of TV series.