剥离、重组、分拆,一系列的动作后,5月16日, 新中国电信和新网通正式宣布成立,中国电信业5+1的竞争格局至此形成,六大电信运营商从此摆开战场,在国内国际电信市场将进行激烈的甚至残酷的客户竞争、利润竞争、人才竞争,每个运营商的最终目标都一样:笑傲江湖,做最
After the spin-off, restructuring, spin-off and a series of moves, on May 16, New China Telecom and China Netcom formally announced the establishment of the competitive landscape of 5 + 1 in China telecom industry. As a result, the six telecom operators set aside the battlefield in the country International telecom market will be fierce or even brutal customer competition, profit competition, talent competition, the ultimate goal of each operator are the same: Swordsman, do the most