中国科学院海洋研究所海洋化学的研究,在“自由、竞争、发展”的学术气氛中有新的进展。应用研究,如码头、平台等的保护正完善化和全面推广;海藻综合利用正提取卡拉胶等有用的新产品;海水分析测试方法正趋向系统化。基础理论研究,正由水化学分布特征跃向海水中物质的存在型式及界面交换研究的阶段。 1.中科院海洋所研制成码头、平台钢桩潮间区-浪溅区海洋Ⅰ型及Ⅱ型脂肪酸盐复合护套保护法,已
The research of marine chemistry at the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences has made new progress in the academic atmosphere of “freedom, competition and development”. Applied research, such as the protection of docks, platforms, etc. are being perfected and comprehensively popularized; comprehensive utilization of seaweeds is extracting useful new products such as carrageenan; and seawater analysis and testing methods are becoming systematic. Basic theoretical research, is the characteristics of the water from the chemical distribution of the characteristics of leaps and bounds to the type of material and interface exchange research stage. 1. Institute of Oceanography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences developed into a wharf, platform steel pile intertidal zone - wave splash zone Marine Type Ⅰ and Ⅱ fatty acid salt composite sheath protection method has been