An Optimal Algorithm for Solving Collision Distance Between Convex Polygons in Plane

来源 :Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:conqerzhang
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In this paper,we study the problem,of calculating the minimum collision distance between two planarconvex polygons when one of them moves to another along a given direction.First,several novel concepts andproperties are explored,then an optimal algorithm OPFIV with time complexity O(log(n+m))is developedand its correctness and optimization are proved rigorously. In this paper, we study the problem, of calculating the minimum collision distance between two planarconvex polygons when one of them moves to another along a given direction. First, several novel concepts and properties are explored, then an optimal algorithm OPFIV with time complexity O ( log (n + m)) is developed and its correctness and optimization are substantially rigorously.
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