石油化工科学研究院开发的中压加氢裂化技术 (RMC) ,采用研制的高脱氮活性加氢精制催化剂RN 2和具有高抗氮能力的加氢裂化催化剂RT ,以串联一次通过流程 ,进行了对干点大于 52 0℃的高硫高氮VGO为原料的实验研究。中型试验结果表明 ,RN 2和RT催化剂不但具有高的活性 ,且具有好的稳定性 ;可同时生产高芳烃潜含量的重整原料和低硫中间馏分油 ,以及作乙烯原料的优质尾油 ;RMC中压加氢裂化技术的整体水平与国外同类工业化技术的水平相当。
The Medium Pressure Hydrocracking Technology (RMC) developed by the Institute of Petrochemical Technology adopts a developed high denitrification active hydrofinishing catalyst RN 2 and a hydrocracking catalyst RT with high nitrogen resisting ability to conduct the first-pass flow through the process The experimental study on raw materials of high sulfur and high nitrogen VGO with dry point greater than 52 0 ℃. The medium-scale test results show that RN 2 and RT catalysts not only have high activity and good stability, but also can simultaneously produce high aromatic hydrocarbon latent reformer, low sulfur middle distillate and high quality tail oil for ethylene. The overall level of RMC medium-pressure hydrocracking technology is comparable to that of similar industrial technologies abroad.