图表信息题是通过图象、图形或表格等给出信息的一种新题型 .由于这类题立意新颖、解法灵活 ,能突出对考生的阅读理解能力、获取信息、处理信息的能力的考查 ,因而备受各级各类考试命题者的青睐 .本文结合实例对图表信息题分类进行例析 ,供大家参考 .1 图像信息题函数图像能直
The graph information title is a new question type that gives information through images, graphs, tables, etc. Since this type of question is novel in concept and flexible in solution, it can highlight the examinee’s ability to read comprehension, obtain information, and process information. Therefore, it is favored by all kinds of exam propositions. This article uses examples to analyze the classification of graph information questions for your reference. Image information function function image can be straight