RNA in human sperm

来源 :Asian Journal of Andrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:osinfobyl
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We have yet to develop a fundamental understanding of the molecular complexities of human spermatozoa.Thisencompasses the unique packaging and structure of the sperm genome along with their paternally derived RNAs inpreparation for their delivery to the egg.The diversity of these transcripts is vast,including several anti-sense mol-ecules resembling known regulatory micro-RNAs.The field is still grasping with its delivery to the oocyte at fertiliza-tion and possible significance.It remains tempting to analogize them to maternally-derived transcripts active in earlyembryo patterning.Irrespective of their role in the embryo,their use as a means to assess male factor infertility ispromising. We have yet to develop a fundamental understanding of the molecular complexities of human spermatozoa. This encompasses the unique packaging and structure of the sperm genome along with their paternally derived RNAs inpreparation for their delivery to the egg. The diversity of these transcripts is vast, including anti-sense mol-ecules resembling known regulatory micro-RNAs. The field is still grasping with its delivery to the oocyte at fertiliza tion and possible significance. It temp temp to toize them to maternally-derived transcripts active in early embryry patterning. Irrespective of their role in the embryo, their use as a means to assess male factor infertility ispromising.
Objective. This trial examined the use of 4-hydroxyphenylretinamide (4-HPR), demonstrated to be a potent inhibitor of carcinogenesis in vitro and in animal mode
马黄酊溶液是我院的自制剂,为临床常规外敷中药酊剂,具有清热燥湿、散结消肿等功效。现将该制剂制备及使用方法报道如下。1制备方法生马钱子40 g、黄连40 g、木鳖子10 g、生
目的了解高职学生对甲型H1N1流感知识认知现状,为科学有效开展甲流防控工作提供依据。方法对1060名在校高职学生进行甲流防控知识问卷调查。结果 968人对甲流的症状、病原体
  患者女,39岁,农民。14年前因怀孕3个月腹痛,去医院检查发现有一包块,疑诊为妊娠合并卵巢囊肿。足月住院待产时未查及肿物,自然分娩一女婴。以后又相继妊娠 3次,其中足月