我手头有两本建立和转动实验室的传奇,一本是《卡文迪什实验室——现代科学革命的圣地》,一本是《贝尔实验室——现代高科技的摇篮》,都是中国科学院自然科学史研究所研究员阎康年先生所写。 卡文迪什实验室作为现代科学革命的圣地,培养了25个诺贝尔奖获得者,上百个皇家学会会员,4个皇家学会主席,6个大英科学促进协会主席,3个勋爵,23个爵士,为英国和世界各国培养了数以千百计的著名物理学教授。它毫无疑问是世界第一流的精英学校或英才开发实验室,是英国剑桥大学和各国科
I have two legends on hand to set up and turn the lab, one is “Cavendish Lab - the Holy Land of Modern Science Revolution,” and one is “Bell Labs - the Cradle of Modern Hi-Tech.” Both are Written by Yan Kangnian, a researcher at the Institute of the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. As a holy site of modern science revolution, Cavendish Laboratory trained 25 Nobel laureates, hundreds of members of the Royal Society, 4 Royal Society presidents, 6 British Association for the Advancement of Science, 3 Lord, 23 Sir, has trained hundreds of famous professors of physics for England and all over the world. It is undoubtedly the world’s best elite schools or excellence development laboratory, is the University of Cambridge and the various subjects