Film Title: A thousand years later Production country: China Directed by: Yi Li Screenwriter: Yi Li, Chen Jingxing, Nie Shengjie, Liu Yong Content brief introduction Due to environmental degradation, depletion of resources and moral decay, human civilization after a disaster Destroyed, the entire planet becomes devastated. After another ten thousand years, many tribes began to revive and multiply, and the Western Regions gave birth to a whole new civilization. Just then, Uighur tribe leader Ugrab stole the ancient magic, become Um God, in an attempt to make the Earth return to the evil of ancient times. In order to fight against Uzbekistan, all the tribes in the Western Regions united in unison and launched a battle of life and death at the final force of Urho, led by Gallun and Umno. In the end, everyone assisted the little girl Zhuma to reach the front of Guge and received the help of God. He defeated Uzno and the world returned to normal.