Capsule endoscopy was conceived by Gabriel Iddan and Paul Swain independently two decades ago. These applications include but are not limited to Crohn’s disease of the small bowel, occult gastrointestinal bleeding, non steroidal anti inflammatory drug induced smallbowel disease, carcinoid tumors of the small bowel,gastro intestinal stromal tumors of the small bowel andother disease affecting the small bowel. Capsule endoscopy has been compared to traditional small bowelseries, computerized tomography studies and pushenteroscopy. The diagnostic yield of capsule endoscopyhas consistently been superior in the diagnosis of smallbowel disease compared to the competing methods(small bowel series, computerized tomography, pushenteroscopy) of diagnosis. For this reason capsule en-doscopy has enjoyed a meteoric success. Image qualityhas been improved with increased number of pixels,automatic light exposure adaptation and wider angle ofview. Further applications of capsule endoscopy of other areas of the digestive tract are being explored. Theincreased transmission rate of images per second hasmade capsule endoscopy of the esophagus a realisticpossibility. Technological advances that include a double imager capsule with a nearly panoramic view of the colon and a variable frame rate adjusted to the movement of the capsule in the colon have made capsuleendoscopy of the colon feasible. The diagnostic ratefor the identification of patients with polyps equal to orlarger than 6 mm is high. Future advances in technology and biotechnology will lead to further progress.Capsule endoscopy is following the successful moderntrend in medicine that replaces invasive tests with lessinvasive methodology.
Capsule endoscopy was conceived by Gabriel Iddan and Paul Swain independently Two Users ago. These applications include but are not limited to Crohn’s disease of the small bowel, occult gastrointestinal bleeding, non steroidal anti inflammatory drug induced small bowel disease, carcinoid tumors of the small bowel, gastrointestinal stromal tumors of the small bowel andother disease affecting the small bowel. Capsule endoscopy has been compared to traditional small bowelseries, computerized tomography studies and pushenteroscopy. The diagnostic yield of capsule endoscopy has consistently been superior in the diagnosis of smallbowel disease compared to the competing Methods (small bowel series, computerized tomography, pushenteroscopy) of diagnosis. For this reason capsule en-doscopy has enjoyed a meteoric success. Image qualityhas been improved with increased number of pixels, automatic light exposure adaptation and wider angle of view. Further applications of capsule endoscopy of other are as of the digestive tract are being explored. Theincreased transmission rate of images per second hasmade capsule endoscopy of the esophagus a realisticpossibility. Technological advances that include a double imager capsule with a nearly panoramic view of the colon and a variable frame rate adjusted to the movement. of the capsule in the colon have made capsuleendoscopy of the colon feasible. The diagnostic ratefor the identification of patients with polyps equal to orlarger than 6 mm is high. Future advances in technology and biotechnology will lead to further progress. moderntrend in medicine that replaces invasive tests with lessinvasive methodology.