晋陕蒙接壤地区的煤炭资源十分丰富,是世界上罕见的特大煤田,被人们称之为“乌金大三角”。其自然区域包括陕西省的神木、府谷和榆林县,内蒙古自治区的伊金霍洛旗、东胜市、达拉特旗和清水河县,山西省的河曲、保德、偏关和兴县,共12个市县旗,总面积5万多平方公里,人口200多万。 “乌金大三角”煤炭开发的经济前景十分诱人。按1985年底的储量统计,在已经探明的储量中,内蒙古伊克昭盟的东胜、准格尔煤田1212亿吨,陕西省的神木、府谷煤田797亿吨,山西的河曲、保德、偏关、兴县煤田567亿吨,而且煤层稳定,坡度小,易于开采,其煤质属于
Shanxi, Shaanxi and Mongolia bordering the region is very rich in coal resources, is the world’s rare large coal fields, people are called “the golden triangle.” Its natural areas include Shenmu, Fugu and Yulin counties in Shaanxi Province, Yijinhuoluo Banner, Dongsheng City, Dalate Banner and Qingshuihe Counties in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hequ, Baode County and Puxing County in Shanxi Province , A total of 12 cities and counties flag, a total area of more than 50,000 square kilometers, population 2000000. The economic prospects for the coal development in the “Urumqi Triangle” are very attractive. According to the statistics of reserves at the end of 1985, among the proven reserves, Dongsheng of Zhiju League in Inner Mongolia, 121.2 billion tons of Zhungeer coalfields, 79.7 tons of Shenmu coalfields in Shaanxi Province, 79.7 tons of coal fields in Fugu County, Hequ, Baode, Partial off, Hing County, 56.7 tons of coal, and coal seam stability, slope is small, easy to mine, the coal belongs to