
来源 :中国食用菌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaoyue0130
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笔者设计了一种卡片,以期能够进行科学的监督和管理。通过实践,证明很有效果。卡片栏目如下: 现对卡片的使用方法作一些说明。一、专用词:1.菌龄:本卡片所指的菌龄,是根据菌丝生长情况和相应的管理方法人为划分的几个阶段。1龄三天,2龄八天,3龄十五天,4龄三十天,五龄四十天。由于气温和菇类品种间的差异,各龄期有所不同。一般说,1龄为成活期,2龄为恢复期,3龄为生长前期,4龄为生长后期,5龄为壮熟期。 2.培养温度:指菌种包容物推积中心温度的平均值。 3.制料:指配方、拌料、装包(瓶)的全过程。 4.类别:指菇类名称,如平菇、草菇、猴头 I designed a card, with a view to scientific supervision and management. Through practice, proved very effective. Card section is as follows: Now use the card for some instructions. First, the special words: 1. Staphylococcus aureus: The age of the card refers to the bacteria, is based on the mycelial growth and the corresponding man-made management of several stages. One day three days, two days eight days, three days fifteen days, four thirty days, five forty days. Due to the differences in temperature and mushroom species, the different age groups are different. In general, the first instar is survival, the second instar convalescence, the third instar is the pre-growth stage, the fourth instar is the late growth stage and the fifth instar is the mature stage. 2. Incubation temperature refers to the average temperature of the center of the product inclusion push volume. 3. Material: refers to the formula, spices, packing (bottle) of the entire process. 4. Category: refers to the name of mushrooms, such as mushrooms, straw mushrooms, Hericium
本工作台是音响设备、电脑和家具的组合,其主要优点如下: 第一,音箱板材采用梁式结构。抗共震能力特强,比普通制作强50%以上,有效地抑制了寄生噪声。 The workbench is a co
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筋疲力尽时刚上完体育课,筋疲力尽时,可嚼些花生、杏仁、胡桃一类的干果,这类小食品对于恢复体力有很好的功效。情绪不好时日常生活中情绪不好时,应及时补钙。钙具有 When e