笔者通过临床实践,在治疗扩张性心肌病(DCM)方面摸索到点滴经验,取得相对满意疗效。现通过典型病例介绍如下: 李某,男性,53岁。1998年9月20日因全身浮肿,胸闷,心慌,气短,活动后加重,尿少,反复发作3月,加重5d入院。伴见偶有心前区痛如针刺;晨起颜面浮肿,但下肢尤甚;咳嗽,咯白色粘痰少许,微恶风寒;腹胀,纳差,舌质暗苔薄黄,脉沉细。查体:T35.6℃,P83次/min,R24次/min,Bp18/13kPa。体重98kg。眼睑水肿,口唇发绀。两肺呼
The author through clinical practice, in the treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) to explore the bit by bit experience and achieved relatively satisfactory results. Typical cases are introduced as follows: Lee, male, 53 years old. September 20, 1998 due to systemic edema, chest tightness, palpitation, shortness of breath, aggravating after activity, oliguria, repeated episodes in March, increased 5d admission. See with occasional precordial pain such as acupuncture; morning facial puffiness, but the lower extremities especially; cough, slightly sticky phlegm, slightly evil cold; abdominal distension, anorexia, dark yellow tongue thin, thin pulse. Physical examination: T35.6 ℃, P83 times / min, R24 times / min, Bp18 / 13kPa. Weight 98kg. Eyelid edema, cyanotic lips. Call both lungs