1 前言灌区是人类农业生产过程中,开发水资源、利用水资源、充分发挥水资源的最大效益为农业灌溉服务而建成的一种人工景观;是自然生态系统和人工生态系统的相互交叉和融合;是“人——社会——自然”复合生态系统。2 问题的提出2.1 灌区初期粗放经营灌区在建设初期,主要是为满足农业灌溉的需求,加之长期以来,灌区以追求农产品的产量和产值为目标,走了一条粗放型增长的道路,在经营过程中,抢资源、拼消耗,占用了大量的生态水,以牺牲环境为代价,使灌区建设走向一个误区。灌区
1 INTRODUCTION Irrigation area is an artificial landscape constructed for agricultural irrigation in the process of human agricultural production, developing water resources, using water resources and giving full play to the maximum benefits of water resources. It is the intersection and integration of natural and artificial ecosystems ; Is a “human-social-natural” complex ecosystem. 2 Proposal 2.1 Extensive Irrigation District Irrigated Irrigation Area In the initial stage of construction, irrigation mainly to meet the needs of agricultural irrigation, combined with a long time, the irrigation area in pursuit of agricultural output and output as the goal, take a road of extensive growth in the business process In the grab resources, spelling consumption, taking up a lot of ecological water, at the expense of the environment at the expense of irrigation district construction to a misunderstanding. Irrigation area