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自1945年“八·一五”朝鲜半岛光复、韩国独立以来,经过半个世纪的发展,今天的韩国人均收入居世界第十位,国民生产总值跃居“东亚四小龙”之首。在战后经济凋蔽,物价飞涨,科技、教育水平极其落后的情况下,韩国能在如此短暂的时间内实现经济的快速增长,继而在亚太国家经济发展前列异军突起,究其原因是多方面的,除了采取一系列正确的经济战略之外,更重要的是依照自身特点,抓住机遇,根据不同时期经济、技术发展的特点,通过引进、消化、吸收、开发,大力发展科学技术,以科技进步促进产业结构的升级换代,推动经济的快速增长。而这一切又必须以教育的发展为根基。韩国政府一贯重视发展教育事业,积极开发人力资源, Since the “8.15” repression of the Korean Peninsula in 1945 and South Korea’s independence since its independence, after half a century of development, per capita income of today ranks 10th in the world and GNP ranks first in the “four small dragons in East Asia.” In the wake of the economic war, price spikes, extremely backward science and technology and education levels, South Korea can achieve rapid economic growth within such a short period of time, and then emerge as the forefront of the economic development in the Asia-Pacific countries due to various aspects , In addition to adopting a series of correct economic strategies, it is even more important to seize the opportunity according to its own characteristics, to seize the opportunities and to promote the development of science and technology through the introduction, assimilation, absorption and development according to the characteristics of economic and technological development in different periods. Progress Promotes the upgrading of the industrial structure and promotes the rapid economic growth. All this must be based on the development of education. The South Korean government has always attached importance to the development of education and actively developed human resources.
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