一、本综述的意义19世纪30年代,英国国教内部的一些神职人员日益感到当时迅速扩展的工业化和社会变革对宗教生活的冲击,为挽救国教的没落和危机,对抗宗教信仰自由化主张,反对国家对教会事务越来越频繁的干预,他们发动了一场声势浩大的宗教运动。由于该运动是以牛津大学奥利尔学院(Oriel School)为中心,运动的主要领导人约翰·纽曼、约翰·基布尔、理查德·弗劳德、爱德华·皮由兹等
I. Significance of this review In the 1830s, some clerics in the Anglican Church increasingly felt the rapid expansion of the industrialization and social changes that hit the religious life at that time. In order to save the decline and crisis of the state religion and fight against the liberalization of religious belief, As the state interfered with the church affairs more and more frequently, they launched a massive religious movement. Because the movement is centered around the Oriel School at Oxford, John Newman, John Kibble, Richard Froude, Edward Pires and others, the leaders of the movement,