多发性硬化症是一种中枢神经系统原发性脱髓鞘疾病,1935年由 Cruveilhier 氏首先发现。国外有人报告,认为多发性硬化是球后视神经炎最常见的原因。Benedict 氏曾研究225例球后视神经炎,其中155例系由多发性硬化所致。但我国情况完全不同,球后视神经炎并不少见,而多发性硬化相对罕见,在过去文献中仅有3例多发性硬化所致球后视神经炎的报道。现将笔者最近所见1例报告如下。患者徐××,男,54岁。自觉复视、头晕、行路不稳
Multiple sclerosis is a primary demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, first discovered by Cruveilhier’s in 1935. Some foreign reports, that multiple sclerosis is the most common cause of retrobulbar neuritis. Benedict’s has studied 225 cases of posterior optic neuritis, of which 155 cases are caused by multiple sclerosis. However, our situation is completely different, retrobulbar optic neuritis is not uncommon, and multiple sclerosis is relatively rare in the literature in the past only 3 cases of multiple sclerosis caused by posterior optic neuritis reports. Now I see the recent report of 1 case is as follows. Xu × × patients, male, 54 years old. Visual double vision, dizziness, unstable road