Arrhythmia plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in the elderly. Its high incidence, clinical features and treatment are often different from the average adult, and often as a warning sign of the elderly in critical conditions, a serious threat to the health of the elderly. Pathophysiology of the Elderly With the advent of old age, the cardiovascular system of the elderly is gradually reduced, the number of beta-receptors in cardiomyocytes is decreased, and the activity of neurotransmitter enzymes in the fiber is reduced. The aging of the heart and vasculature on catecholamines Sensitivity decreased, sinus node pacing dysfunction, increased vagal tone so that sinus node autonomic inhibition, heart rate tends to be slow. Thery found that with age, the pacemaker cells in the sinus node decreased, and the formation of vacuoles and nuclear damage, fibrous tissue proliferation, such changes in the sinus node and atrioventricular node degeneration. When the lesion affects the entire atrium, or at the same time invading the atrioventricular bundle, the heart’s conduction system can affect normal impulse formation and conduction. Electrophysiological studies confirmed that the elderly susceptibility and stress increased myocardial conductivity has been relatively slow, with the years