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《中日论丛》(1863)又叫《中国和日本的知识库》,全名为《科学博物馆里的东亚科学,历史和艺术事实及事件中的中国和日本》,作者詹姆斯·萨默斯(James Summers,1828-1891)是英国语言学家、汉学家,该书是他汉语系列著作中的第三部。《中日论丛》的成书于日本明治维新的前夜,在这历史拐点上留下了不可多得的时代印迹,对研究中日两国的交流史、近现代汉语史以及汉语传播史都具有非常重要的意义。遗憾的是,书中很多重要研究成果翻译介绍得还比较少,特利用在日本筑波大学交流的机会,译出部分以飨学界。译稿本着忠于原著的原则,在萨默斯间接引述中文资料的部分,严格按英文翻译;在直接引用中文资料的部分,则与中文原文核对,在一些需要补正之处,则加译者注。文章题目与小标题系译者所加。 The Sino-Japanese Symposium (1863), also known as the “China-Japan Knowledge Base,” is entitled “China and Japan in East Asian Science, History and Art Facts and Events in the Science Museum,” by James Summers (James Summers, 1828-1891), a British linguist and sinologist, is the third of his series in Chinese. On the eve of the Meiji Reform in Japan, the publication of the “Sino-Japanese Symposium” left a rare imprint of the times on this historical turning point. It has the following features in studying the history of exchanges between China and Japan, the history of modern Chinese, and the spread of Chinese Very important meaning. Unfortunately, many of the important research results in the book are still relatively poorly translated, especially because of the opportunity to exchange ideas with the University of Tsukuba in Japan. According to the principle of loyalty to the original, the translation refers to the part of the Chinese data indirectly in Somers, and translates it strictly in English. In the part of directly quoting the Chinese data, it is checked with the Chinese original. In some cases where the correction is needed, Note. Article title and subtitle translator added.
在柱状靶区定向井施工中 ,运用随钻距离图有利于提高井眼轨迹的控制精度。文中主要介绍了随钻距离图的基本原理、绘制方法和应用结果。该方法也可以应用于直井、一般定向井和
1 病例介绍例 1 程× ,男 ,6岁 ,寿县埝口镇王圩村人。 1998年 7月 16日因发热 ,到村卫生室诊治 ,三日后仍无效 ,又到镇卫生院治疗 ,用药 2天 ,也未见好转。于 1998年 7月
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