Magnetic properties of ZnO:Cu thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dixg03
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ZnO films and ZnO:Cu diluted magnetic semiconductor films were prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering on Si(111)substrates,with targets of ZnO and Zn0.99Cu0.01O,respectively.The plasma emission spectra were analyzed by using a grating monochromator during sputtering.The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements indicate the existence of Zni defect in the films,and the valence state of Cu is 1+.The X-ray diffrac-tion measurements indicate that the thin films have a hexagonal wurtzite structure and have a preferred orientation along the c-axis.The vibrating sample magnetometer measurements indicate that the sample is ferromagnetic at room temperature,and the origin of the magnetic behavior of the samples is discussed. ZnO films and ZnO: Cu diluted magnetic semiconductor films were prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering on Si (111) substrates, with targets of ZnO and Zn0.99Cu0.01O, respectively.The plasma emission spectra were analyzed by using a grating monochromator during sputtering The X-ray diffractometry measurements that that thin films have a hexagonal wurtzite structure and have a preferred orientation along the c-axis. The vibrating sample magnetometer measurements indicate that the sample is ferromagnetic at room temperature, and the origin of the magnetic behavior of the samples is discussed.
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<正> 背锥为球面的锥齿轮(图1),广泛应用于汽车、拖拉机的差速器中,而锥齿的轮冠距是一个重要的参数,其精度要求较高。而轮冠距K的两端在齿坯上都不存在,因此测量比较困难。
1988年11月,我到大理开会,遇见了广西教育出版社的程兴业老师。我挤到他身旁,向他问候,并向他询问:刘老师呢?怎么没来? 刘老师——广西教育出版社的刘名涛同志,原来是“广西
3月12日为中国的植树节。1925年3月12日孙中山先生逝世于北平,1929年移灵柩于南京紫金山,1930年国民党政府曾定3月12日为植树节。1956年,毛泽东发出了“绿化 March 12 for C
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