Like to listen to Xu Yu Teng singing ”wait a minute“ this song, perhaps because of the kind of regret that reveals the sad lyrics more touched my heart, ”If life, no regrets, no waves, you will not, Never say goodbye day may be too young soft heart, can not withstand the wind can not withstand waves, if today I can return to yesterday, I will compromise to myself. “Sometimes, the real imagination time can be repeated Once, so that you can choose everything again, so that once happened the same story will not repeat the same mistakes will not go such a mind, but thought no, if you have not experienced regret, how can you know how to cherish? If not Unfortunately, how can so unforgettable, but also engraved mind to remember a person? There are many things you must experience before will understand, with regret, only memories can make the fragment, we have no life Forgotten things, it will resonate deep inside. Like to listen to Xu Yu Teng sang ”a minute of sad lyrics more touched my heart, " If the day of life, may be young and soft heart, sometimes, the real story of fantasy can reappear the same story Will repeat the mistakes Have experienced regret, how can you understand how to cherish? Engraved to remember a person? There are many things necessary fragments, have made our life can not forget