【摘 要】
By incorporation of fly ash or silica fume into magnesium oxychloride (MOC) cement, a high water resistance material can be formed for successful industrial app
【机 构】
Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Graduate School of Chinese Academy of S
【出 处】
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science
By incorporation of fly ash or silica fume into magnesium oxychloride (MOC) cement, a high water resistance material can be formed for successful industrial applications. The influences of fly ash and silica fume on water-resistant property were investigated by SEM and EDS. It is found that the incorporation of fly ash or silica fume can improve the water-resistance of the MOC. The improvement of the water resistance of the MOC incorporated with fly ash or silica fume may be attributed to the alumino-silicate 5·1·8 gel or silicate 5·1·8 gel.
The incorporation of fly ash or silica fume into magnesium oxychloride (MOC) cement, a high water resistance material can be formed for successful industrial applications. The influences of fly ash and silica fume on water-resistant property were investigated by SEM and EDS. It is found that the incorporation of fly ash or silica fume can improve the water-resistance of the MOC. The improvement of the water resistance of the MOC incorporated with fly ash or silica fume may be attributed to the alumino-silicate 5.1.8 gel or silicate 5 · 1 · 8 gel.
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油封,又称阻油圈,它不仅能防止水、泥沙、灰尘等自外面侵入轴承中,而且还能防止润滑油的外漏.正确维护和使用油封,可以延长轴承等零件的使用寿命. 一、油封在贮存中的保养橡
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