美学长期隶属于哲学 ,在费希纳之后 ,美学逐渐由哲学走向科学 (主要是心理学 ) ,但这一转向并没有给美学带来整体上的突破。现象学美学和语言学美学企图超越哲学的美学和科学的美学 ,但都没能取得成功。 1 9世纪以来 ,人们又逐渐把美学看成是一种人文学科或人学的美学 ,但尚未形成自己完整的体系。海德格尔之后兴起的后现代思潮及其所阐发的“文化美学”,在很大程度上影响着人们对美学定位的重新思考 ,但缺乏应有的说服力和给美学定位的基本素质。那么 ,美学到底是怎样一种学科呢 ?
Aesthetics has long been affiliated with philosophy. After Fechner, aesthetics gradually moved from philosophy to science (mainly psychology), but this shift did not bring an overall breakthrough in aesthetics. Phenomenological aesthetics and linguistic aesthetics attempt to transcend philosophical aesthetics and scientific aesthetics, but failed to achieve success. Since the nineteenth century, people have gradually regarded aesthetics as a kind of aesthetics of humanities or humanities, but have not yet formed their own complete system. After Heidegger, the postmodernism and its illustrated “cultural aesthetics” have greatly influenced people’s rethinking on the aesthetic orientation, but they lack the persuasive power and the basic qualities of aesthetics. So, what is the aesthetics in the end?