本文运用多元线性回归系统计算机数值解,建立ZG_1Cr_(13)不锈钢精铸件机械性能数学模型,其中包括σ_b、σ_s、δ%、Ψ%和α_k五个线性方程式。各方程之通式如下: 机械性能=A_O+A_1[C%]+A_2[Cr%+A_3[Si%]+A_4[Mn%] +A_5[Ni%]+A_6[t] 其中[t]为回火处理时间该模型检验证明:在α≤0.01置信度时,模型线性相关显著,预测精度良好,故可供计算机质量控制系统,材料机械性能故障分析,最佳性能合金铸件计算机辅助设计等方面使用。
In this paper, the mathematical model of the mechanical properties of ZG_1Cr_ (13) stainless steel casting is established by using the numerical solution of multivariate linear regression system, including five linear equations σ_b, σ_s, δ%, Ψ% and α_k. The equations of the general formula are as follows: Mechanical Properties = A_O + A_1 [C%] + A_2 [Cr% + A_3 [Si%] + A_4 [Mn%] + A_5 [Ni%] + A_6 [t] Tempering treatment time The model test shows that when α ≤ 0.01, the model has significant linear correlation and good prediction accuracy, so it can be used in computer quality control system, mechanical failure analysis of materials and computer aided design of the best performance alloy casting use.