阿来与托妮·莫里森(Toni Morrison)都以族裔身份书写着体现自己民族生存状态和文化记忆的文学。他们的小说是对民族文化形态、生活形态及人性形态的言说。两位作家把民间文学和宗教元素纳入到小说的创作中,突出了他们的民族性但又透露出隐忧。因为在现代性进程中,自己的民族被强势的外来文明冲击,民族文化在流逝,人性在畸变,生存环境不断恶化。这些导致作家身份认同呈现出一种“非此非彼”的中间状态。
Both Emily and Toni Morrison have written, in their ethnic identities, the literature that reflects their own state of existence and cultural memory. Their novels are narratives of national cultural forms, life forms and human forms. The two writers brought folklore and religious elements into the creation of novels, highlighting their ethnicity but revealing hidden worries. Because in the process of modernity, its own people are impacted by the strong foreign civilization, the national culture is passing away, human nature is distorted and the living environment is deteriorating. These lead to writer identity shows a “not this ” intermediate state.