
来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caculate
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Objective: The aim of our study was to investigate the expressions of Survivin and Caspase-3 in the hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and the paracancerous liver tissues, and define the relationship between the expression and the patients survival rate after surgery. Methods: The expressions of PCNA, Survivin and Caspase-3 were detected by immunohistochemistry. PCNA positive level was used to account proliferating cell nuclear antigen proliferating index (PCNA-PI). The apoptosis index of HCC tissues was detected by TUNEL. Results: The expression of Survivin in HCC tissue was higher than that in paracancerous tissue (P < 0.05), while it was related with portal vein thrombosis, tumor size and histological differentia- tion (P < 0.05). In HCC tissues, the PCNA-PI of the Survivin positive group was higher than the negative (P < 0.05) group, and the AI of the Survivin positive group was lower than the negative group (P < 0.05). The expression of Caspasse-3 in HCC tissue was lower than that in paracancerous tissue (P < 0.05), while it was related with HBsAg and histological differentiation (P < 0.05). In HCC tissues, the average PCNA-PI of the Caspase-3 positive group was lower than that of the negative group (P < 0.05), and the average AI of the Caspase-3 positive group was higher than that of the negative group (P < 0.05). There was negative correlation between the expressions of Survivin and Caspase-3 in HCC (r = -0.242, P < 0.05). The survival rate of the Survivin positive group was lower than that of the negative group (P < 0.05), while that of the Caspase-3 positive patients was higher than that of the negative group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The expressions of Survivin and Caspase-3 in HCC can reflex the biological behavior of HCC and patients prognosis, they may be new targets of tumor diagnosis and treatment. Objective: The aim of The study was to investigate the expressions of Survivin and Caspase-3 in the hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and the paracancerous liver tissues, and define the relationship between the expression and the patients survival rate after surgery. Methods: The expressions of PCNA, Survivin and Caspase-3 were detected by immunohistochemistry. PCNA positive level was used to account for proliferating cell nuclear antigen proliferating index (PCNA-PI). The apoptosis index of HCC tissues was detected by TUNEL. Results: The expression of Survivin in The HCC tissue was higher than that in paracancerous tissue (P <0.05), while it was related with portal vein thrombosis, tumor size and histological differentiation (P <0.05). In HCC tissues, the PCNA-PI of the Survivin positive group The expression of Caspasse-3 in HCC tissue was lower than that in (P <0.05) group, and the AI ​​of the Survivin positive group was lower than the negative group In HCC tissues, the average PCNA-PI of the Caspase-3 positive group was lower than that of the negative group (P <0.05), while it was related to HBsAg and histological differentiation 0.05), and the average AI of the Caspase-3 positive group was higher than that of the negative group (P <0.05). There was negative correlation between the expressions of Survivin and Caspase-3 in HCC (r = -0.242, P <0.05). The survival rate of the Survivin positive group was lower than that of the negative group (P <0.05), while that of the Caspase-3 positive patients was higher than that of the negative group (P <0.05). : The expressions of Survivin and Caspase-3 in HCC can reflex the biological behavior of HCC and patients prognosis, they may be new targets of tumor diagnosis and treatment.
2007年7月17日,在北京召开的“第五届中国国际现场总线与工业自动化仪表展览会暨技术交流会”上,国际现场总线基金会中国市场委员会为庆 July 17, 2007, held in Beijing
欧盟理事会2006年通过了对中国产皮鞋征收为期两年16.5%反倾销税的仲裁决定,这对我国许多制鞋企业带来很大的负面影响。但森达集团却在随后的一个月,逆境中旗开得胜,2006年10月中旬与来自美国和俄罗斯的鞋商结成战略合作伙伴,使得中国自主知识产权品牌皮鞋首次进入国际鞋业中高端市场。森达何以能够成功规避欧盟“反倾销”,在国际市场高歌猛进呢?     贴牌加工 瞄准高端    我们发现,欧盟征收反倾销
自学能力是指一个人独立学习和获取知识的能力,是多种智力因素结合和多种心理机制参与的一种综合性能力,它由阅读、观察、思考、记忆、实验及操作等多种基本能力构成,最大的特点是通过独立的活动,把外界知识变成自己的东西。在初中英语教学中,教师应如何培养学生的自学能力呢?  一、有步骤、有目的地引导学生养成预习习惯  1.适应期  在适应期,教师的任务是把学生从“教师抱着走”过渡到“教师扶着走”。在预习前,教
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