Controllable synthesis of Ni-catalyzed tetragonal tungsten nanowires via chemical vapor deposition

来源 :Progress in Natural Science:Materials International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a3392919
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Tetragonal single-crystal tungsten nanowires were successfully synthesized by chemical vapor deposition(CVD) catalyzed by Ni particles.The influences of the catalysts,temperature and growth time on the formation of the nanowires were investigated.It was found that the tetragonal tungsten nanowires(WNWs) arrays were obtained by deterministic growth from the ordered Ni catalyst particles with one-to-one relation in size and position between the catalysts and nanowires.The large-scale tungsten nanowire arrays were synthesized at the low temperature of 950℃.Samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD),field-emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM),transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HRTEM).Increasing growth time at 950℃,the tip of the WNWs changed from four(211) planes to four(110) planes.Good controls of the orientation and structure of WNWs arrays were important for adjusting their properties to satisfy different requirements of potential nanodevices. Tetragonal single-crystal tungsten nanowires were successfully synthesized by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) catalyzed by Ni particles. These influences of the catalysts, temperature and growth time on the formation of the nanowires were investigated .It was found that the tetragonal tungsten nanowires (WNWs ) arrays were obtained by deterministic growth from the ordered Ni catalyst particles with one-to-one relation in size and position between the catalysts and nanowires. large-scale tungsten nanowire arrays were synthesized at the low temperature of 950 ° C by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) .creasing growth time at 950 ° C, the tip of the WNWs changed from four (211) planes to four (110) planes. Good Controls of the orientation and structure of WNWs arrays were important for adjusting their properties to different different req uirements of potential nanodevices.
1.金属材料 金属材料包括金属和合金。金属即金属单质,属于纯净物,例如,Fe、Al、Cu等。合金属于混合物,例如,生铁、钢、黄铜等。合金中至少含有一种金属,但不一定全部是金属。合金的硬度一般比组成它的纯金属都大,熔点一般比组成它的纯金属都低,抗腐蚀性更好。
This review highlights work from the authors’ laboratory on the recent development of seed-mediated growth method for noble metal nanocrystals.The seed-mediate