市属科研院所开始实行 “一定两改三高”工程目标责任制本刊讯在“九五”计划开始实施的第一年,市属科研院所加大改革力度,进一步推动科技力量以各种形式、多种渠道进入经济建设主战场,推出了“一定两改三高”工程目标责任制,日前,首批12个科研院所与市科委签订了...
Municipal scientific research institutes began to implement the “certain two to three high” project target responsibility system In the “Nine Five” plan began the first year of implementation, municipal scientific research institutes to increase reform efforts to further promote science and technology to Various forms of channels into the main battlefield of economic construction, launched a “certain two to three high” project target responsibility system, a few days ago, the first batch of 12 research institutes and the Municipal Science and Technology Commission signed ...