目的:对鞍山市流感样病例采样进行甲型H1N1流感病毒核酸检测,为甲型H1N1流感疫情防控提供依据。方法:采集鞍山地区出现流感样症状的病例采集咽拭子600份,提取标本核酸,采用实时荧光PCR试剂盒检测。疑似病例进行A型/B型流感初筛、H1/H3分型、甲型H1N1检测,出院病人进行甲型H1N1检测。结果:疑似病例600份,确诊新甲型H1N1 135例,重症病例15例,死亡2例,而出院病例标本均为甲型H1N1阴性。结论:实验室检测为鞍山地区甲型H1N1流感疫情的确认、防控以及病人的处理提供了依据,发展实验室检测技术具有重要的意义。
OBJECTIVE: To detect influenza A (H1N1) virus in Anshan samples of influenza-like cases and provide basis for the prevention and control of Influenza A (H1N1). Methods: A total of 600 throat swabs were collected from the patients with influenza-like symptoms in Anshan area. The nucleic acids were extracted and detected by real-time PCR. Suspected cases of influenza A / B influenza screening, H1 / H3 typing, H1N1 test, discharged patients for H1N1 test. Results: Of the 600 suspected cases, 135 cases were diagnosed with new type A H1N1, 15 were severe cases and 2 died. All the specimens were negative for type A H1N1. Conclusion: Laboratory tests provide the basis for the confirmation, prevention and control of the H1N1 influenza in Anshan and the treatment of the patients. It is of great significance to develop laboratory testing techniques.