德国bauma展是世界上规模最大、国际影响力最强的工程机械、建材机械、矿山机械、工程车辆及设备的专业展览会之一,每3年定期在德国慕尼黑举办。德国bauma展已经成为每一个业内公司必须亲临的无以伦比的展示平台,发布最新产品和技术,同时扩展全球视野。现代重工集团以3443m~2的展位参加了本届bauma展会,展示了HX(Hyundai Excavator)系列挖掘机、轮式装载机等共33种最新装备。
Germany bauma exhibition is the world’s largest and most influential international engineering machinery, building materials machinery, mining machinery, construction vehicles and equipment, one of the professional exhibition held every three years in Munich, Germany. Bauma Germany has become the unparalleled platform for every industry player in the world to deliver the latest products and technologies while expanding their global reach. Hyundai Heavy Industries Group to 3443m ~ 2 booth to participate in this bauma show, showing HX (Hyundai Excavator) series excavators, wheel loaders and a total of 33 kinds of the latest equipment.