患儿:男,7岁。玩耍时胸部摔于乱石上,出现胸闷、气急2小时入院。体检:呼吸急促,三凹征明显。X 线示右肺不张。立即作右侧胸腔闭式引流,术后症状未改善,动脉血氧饱和度下降为0.87%左右;胸腔引流袋不时被大量气体充满。遂决定全麻下剖胸探查,见右肺完全萎陷,大量气体在肺门处,吸尽积血,发现右肺上叶支气管距支气管开口0.8cm 处完全断裂;远端回缩于肺实质内。中下叶支气管于正中
Children: male, 7 years old. Throw in the chest when playing rock, chest tightness, shortness of breath 2 hours admission. Physical examination: shortness of breath, three concave sign obvious. X ray showed right atelectasis. Immediately for the right side of the closed thoracic drainage, postoperative symptoms did not improve, arterial oxygen saturation decreased to about 0.87%; pleural drainage bags from time to time by a large number of gas filled. Then decided under general anesthesia chest exploration, see the right lung completely collapsed, a large number of gas in the hilar, exhaustion hemorrhage and found the right lung bronchus bronchial opening 0.8cm at the complete fracture; distal retraction in the lung parenchyma Inside. Middle and lower lobe bronchi in the middle