Recently, we have experimented with boron nitride wafer as a diffusion source of boron. The results of experiments show that the results are good, which is superior to other boron diffusion sources in terms of junction characteristics, surface resistance uniformity and repeatability. We use the boron nitride wafer diameter of 35 mm, thickness 2 mm, purity of about 99.999%. Taking into account the high temperature (above 1000 ℃) boron nitride wafer and silicon and quartz sticky, as well as the thermal expansion coefficient of boron nitride wafer and quartz thermal expansion coefficient of the mismatch, designed layered diffusion boat. Boron nitride wafer placed in the middle of a diffusion boat, so that the boron nitride wafer and wafer to maintain a certain distance between. The silicon wafer is only in contact with the quartz boat, while the boron nitride wafer does not come in contact with the quartz boat. This layer diffusion