积极探索 精心组织努力搞好规模以下工业抽样调查工作——李积文同志在全省规模以下工业抽样调查工作会议上的讲话

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同志们:这次工作会议的主要任务是,总结2004年的规模以下工业抽样调查工作,经验交流;表彰先进;布置2004年全省规模以下工业抽样调查年报和2005年定期报表工作。下面,我讲几点意见:一、对今年规模以下工业抽样调查工作的回顾今年以来,省企调队和各抽中县(市、区)统计局,按照国家企调总队和省局的总体部署,坚持以提高抽样调查数据质量为重点,以拓展调查领域,进一步扩大服务范围为中心,全面推进了规模以下工业抽样调查工作的开展,实现了提高业务人员素质、强化企调基础管理、优化信息服务等方面的新发展,保证了国家、地方任务的完成。(一)进一步完善和落实了质量保障措施,确保调查报表准确、及时、全面上报。为进一步提高规模以 Comrades: The main task of this working meeting is to summarize the 2004 industrial sampling survey of the following scale, exchange of experiences; honor the advanced ones; arrange the annual industrial sampling survey of below-scale in 2004 and the regular reporting in 2005 in the province. Next, I would like to make a few comments: First, the review of this year’s industrial sampling survey below the size This year, the provincial enterprises Tiao team and the pumping counties (cities, districts) Bureau of Statistics, in accordance with the overall state regulatory agencies and provincial bureau Deployment and adhere to the focus on improving the quality of sample survey data to expand the field of investigation to further expand the scope of services as the center and comprehensively promote the scale of industrial sampling survey carried out to achieve the quality of business personnel and strengthen the basic management of business regulation and optimization Information services and other aspects of the new development to ensure the completion of national and local tasks. (I) Further improve and implement the quality assurance measures to ensure that the investigation reports are accurate, timely and fully reported. In order to further improve the scale
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