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随着4G时代的到来,电信运营商设备资产的更新和淘汰速度逐步加剧,新增资产的投资方向逐步明确,相比之下,电信业原有庞大的固定资产数量巨大,种类繁多,资产折旧一般占到企业成本的30%,如何有效加强管理力度,变压力为动力,降低企业成本,提升利润,本文以价值引领,嵌入工程网络运营关键环节为突破口,提出了相关建议和解决办法。 With the advent of the 4G era, the telecom operators’ asset renewal and phase-out speed are gradually aggravated. The investment direction of newly increased assets is gradually clarified. In contrast, the large amount of fixed assets in the telecom industry is huge, and the asset depreciation Generally accounts for 30% of the cost of the enterprise. How to effectively strengthen the management, turn pressure into motivation, reduce the cost of the enterprise and increase the profit, this paper puts forward the relevant suggestions and solutions by taking the value leading and embedding the key links of the engineering network operation as the breakthrough point.
【正】 加强县党政领导班子建设,关键是要把握县党政领导班子的现状,分析其存在问题的原因,并借以研究和制定对策。本文根据对我市五县党政领导班子的调查,对此作一点分析和
【正】 在当代科学的发展中,科学方法论的掌握和运用是一个至关重要的问题。中共党史学科的研究,同样需要有科学方法论作为支柱。本文拟结合近年来国内中共党史学科的发展状