为了解决秋后地膜难回收的问题,在国内外残膜回收机具的基础上,设计了一种指盘式残膜回收机。阐述了该机总体结构及工作原理,并对弹齿式捡拾机构进行分析,得出机具不同前进速度下弹齿式捡拾机构的输膜轨迹。对弹齿式捡拾机构进行正交试验,结果表明,当捡拾机构转速为80 r/min、机具行进速度为0.8 m/s、弹齿入土深度为20mm时,弹齿式捡拾机构可以达到较优作业效果。
In order to solve the problem of hard plastic film recycling in the autumn, at home and abroad on the basis of residual film recycling equipment, designed a finger disc residual film recycling machine. The overall structure and working principle of this machine are expounded. And the pick-up mechanism is analyzed, and the transport path of the pick-up mechanism under different forward speeds is obtained. The orthogonal test of the pick mechanism shows that when the pickup speed is 80 r / min, the travel speed of the machine is 0.8 m / s, and the penetration depth of the elastic teeth is 20 mm, the pick mechanism can achieve better results Job effect.