当你步入我军接转电话的长途交换台,就会看到话务员们用她们灵巧的双手,不时地为用户“穿针引线”,接通一个又一个电话.常言道“塞子一插一拔,关系到千军万马”,话务员们在平凡的岗位上,“正是用她们的辛勤汗水为传递作战信息默默奉献.因为接转电话是靠手工操作,我们称它为“人工交换”,所用的机器叫“人工交换机“.用手工接转电话.在话务量不大的情况下是可行的,要是打电话的人多了,话务员双手就会忙不过来.如果让机器进行自动交换,那该多好?“自动电话交换机”正是在这种情况下应运而生. 大千世界,无奇不有.你可能没有想到,发明自动电话交换机的人竟是一名与“电”、“声”本无缘份的美国一家殡仪馆老板,名叫史瑞乔.
When you step into the long-distance switchboard where the army picks up the phone, you see the attendants use their clever hands to puncture the user from time to time, connecting one call after another. ”As the saying goes,“ plugs, Related to all-powerful forces, ”the operators in ordinary positions,“ it is their hard sweat for the transmission of operational information silently dedication. Because the transfer is by hand by hand, we call it ”manual exchange“ The machine called ”manual switch “. Hand-pick up the phone. In the case of traffic is not feasible, if more people call, the operator will be busy with both hands.If the machine for automatic exchange It is precisely in this case came into being. The world is amazing. You may not have thought that the people who invented the automatic telephone exchange was actually a ”power“, ”sound" The fate of the United States a funeral home owner, named Shi Rui Qiao.