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研究表明,粉锈宁拌种,适期播种和翻耕灭茬是控制阿坝州越夏区秋季小麦条锈菌源的有效措施。拌种处理早播冬麦约占播种面积的20—30%,便可压低整个越夏区秋苗菌源数量,控制翌年条锈病流行。粉锈宁拌种防治秋苗条锈病效果达99%,推迟暴发期5—7天,最终控制效果为68%,比不拌种对照区增产10.9%,亩增小麦24公斤,经济效益为1∶11。同时拌种还可兼治小麦白秆病、黑穗病和白粉病等当地重要病害。适期播种可显著减少秋苗发病。翻耕两次可有效地消灭自生麦苗及其菌源。文中对通过压低越夏区秋季菌源,保护冬麦区秋苗作用的问题进行了讨论。 Studies have shown that the powder rusting seed dressing, sowing and tillage by appropriate tillage is to control the summer wheat area in Aba Prefecture in autumn stripe rust fungus effective measures. Seed dressing early winter wheat planting accounts for about 20-30% of sown area, will be able to depress the entire Yuexia District autumn seedling source number, control the following year the stripe rust epidemic. The effect of triadimefon seed dressing for controlling autumn and seedling rust was 99%, the outbreak was 5-7 days later, and the final controlling effect was 68%. The yield was 10.9% more than that of the non-seed dressing control. The wheat yield was 24 kg and the economic benefit was 1:11. At the same time dressing can also rule wheat white stalk disease, smut and powdery mildew and other important local diseases. Appropriate sowing can significantly reduce the incidence of autumn seedlings. Tillage twice can effectively eliminate self-born wheat seedlings and their sources. The article discussed the problem of reducing autumn fungus source and protecting the effect of autumn seedlings in winter wheat by autumn.
近些年由Peronospora hyoscyami引起的霜霉病成为北美洲和拉丁美洲烟草的主要病害。美国、加拿大1979年估计由该病减产造成2.5亿美元的损失,而1980年则达0.84亿美元还多。由
Two new compounds,lethaclado acid A(1) and B(2),were isolated from the acetone extract of Lethariella cladonioides.Their structures were elucidated on the basis
目的研究刺五加皂甙(ASE)预处理诱导PC12细胞对缺血的耐受及相关机制。方法采用MTT比色分析、细胞形态学观察、Western Blot法以及凝胶电泳迁移实验(EMSA)等方法比较ASE预处理对PC12细胞缺血模型(氧葡萄糖剥夺模型)的影响。结果在PC12细胞缺血模型中,9 h氧葡萄糖剥夺可明显降低PC12细胞活力,细胞存活率为(49.12±3.22)%。然而ASE 24 h预处理则显著抑制9
草莓芽线虫(Aphelenchoides fragariae)能在歙县珠兰芽内存活越冬,但不引起芽的病变。定期分离室外离体珠兰病叶证实,土内或土表病叶中的部分草莓芽线虫可在南京越冬。酸性品