Lenin’s Chronicle is a long-term collective research result of Lenin scholars in the Soviet Union, the twin brother of the various versions of Lenin’s Complete Works, and the main basis for compiling the biography of Lenin. Memoirs of various kinds are important sources for compiling The Chronicle. The main basis for composing the Chronicle is the entire list of Lenin’s books, pamphlets, writings, letters, notes, notes, speeches, reports, resolutions drafted by him, bills, etc., as well as authoritative archives Collection of the original file. Lenin Studies in the Soviet Union collected and compiled many historical data when editing various editions of the Lenin Complete Works. In addition to the first edition of the “Complete Works” published in a hurry, only the nature of the compilation of documents, rather than at the same time the compilation of Chronicle data, compiled in the second and third edition of the 20-30 ’s “Complete Works” (the two versions are basically the same content ) At the same time, compiled “Lenin’s life events chronology”, income “Complete Works” as an appendix. This chronology has been