地震灾害一般会造成重大的人员伤亡和财物损失,同时也会对灾区医疗卫生体系造成严重破坏.如何在短时间内科学地将灾区医疗服务体系恢复重建是国家灾后重建的重要议题.然而,灾后医疗服务体系的恢复重建是一项系统工程,需要用系统工程的思维去分析.本文在总结国外地震灾后医疗重建的经验与教训的基础上,对我国地震灾后医疗服务体系的重建进行了系统分析,随后提出了相应的政策建议.“,”Based on the experience in Wenchuan Earthquake 2008,the authors summerized that the post-earthquake reconstruction of medical service system consists of armed forces asistance,self-help of the disaste area,support from the central government, aid from corresponding institutions, domestic and international social assistance, During the emergency rescue period the focus should be narrowed to emergency treatment; during the transitional period the primary medical tasks include assessment of management and planning trhereof, basic medical treatment and rehabilitation, hygienic work and epidemic revention while psychological help must be emphasized.; and during the permanent settlement period, repair and reconstruction of damaged medical buildings, training and supplement of medical workers, investment of medical funds and technology, re-provision of medical matrials and equipments, and restoration of medical information system,etc.